Monday, October 25, 2010

Losing It

Pregnancy mind has really affected me.
For example...

1. I always forget what day of the week it is. Of course this happens to everyone, but after thinking about it for a few seconds, most people can usually remember what day it is. I can't.

2. I lost my husband's keys. Yesterday, I drove Austin's car home from his parent's house and placed his keys somewhere. After all night of searching, we still could not find them. Lucky me, I finally found them today. By accident.

3. I tried to return Target items at Wal-Mart. I even looked at the receipt right before, to make sure I had the correct one. Obviously, I thought the big target symbol at the top meant Wal-Mart... The lady at costumer service must have felt bad for me because she sweetly made me aware of my mistake.

4. Once leaving Wal-Mart, I could not find where I parked my car for a whole five minutes. This may not seem like a long time, but when you are roaming aimlessly around the parking lot, it becomes a long time. I even found myself looking for my husband's car at moments.

5. I went to the wrong bank to deposit money. Note to self: Wells Fargo is not my bank. I have not gone there in over a year; since before I was married. I go to CHASE now...

6. I went to Target with one intention: to return some items... and I left the items in the car. The time when I actually get the store right, I forget my sole purpose of going there in the first place. Beautiful. Now I have to make my poor, swollen feet do more work.

7. I know there are plenty more instances just as bad or worse than the ones above. But silly me, I just cannot remember them. I am losing it.


However, I have not forgotten that 21 years ago today, I was introduced into this beautiful world.

Happy Birthday to me!♥


Ashlee G. said...

Happy Birthday!!

Natasha said...

Happy Birthday! Unfortunately, it may take up to 6 months after you give birth for your brain to return to normal. Apparently your brain shrinks/something scientific during pregnancy and it can take up to that long for it to return. Crazy! Well, at least it is not your fault :) I hope you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you girls! I hope I can manage six more months of this...! :]

rahhlady said...

Yep, your brain shrinks 1/3 while you are pregnant! No joke. I still have that brain sometimes, haha.